Probiotiske såper
Vi har laget disse såpene for å tilby deg naturlig velvære i hverdagen. De er helt uten syntetiske kjemikalier og plast. I tillegg til baseingrediensene blir såpene tilsatt forskjellige urter, oljer og andre naturlige ingredienser for å gi deg de unike aromaterapautiske effektene. Les mer...


Våre såpestykker blir laget i Auroville - en internasjonal landsby i sørlige India. Der jobber de for bærekraft, fred og økt bevissthet. Folk fra nærliggende landsbyer kommer hit for å få opplæring og arbeid under trygge arbeidsforhold og med en rettferdig lønn. De probiotiske bakteriene dyrkes internt på den lille såpeproduksjons-enheten. Les hele historien.
This production team directly help provide employment opportunities to people from the surrounding villages. The producer is also linked to various projects promoting education in sustainable and ecological practices, increased effectiveness of organic farming for the benefit of the smaller farmers, and more. Many of the ingredients are sourced from local and regional independent farmers.

UN Sustainable
Development Goal
By being a part of a planned community designed to promote sustainable communities our soap bar production contributes to target 11.3 "Enhance inclusive and sustainable urbanization and capacity for participatory integrated and sustainable human settlement planning and management."
The probiotics used are effective cleaning agents for removing unwanted chemicals and bacteria and contribute to cleaning waterways as they wash down the drain. Additionally, the producers partner with large and small corporations in their communities to help reduce the use of harsh chemicals and promote the use of probiotics to improve water quality for all. In addition, the producer strives to reduce waste by focusing on using compostable materials and using local recycling facilities.
plastic bottle
/ soap bar

UN Sustainable
Development Goal
By avoiding plastic, plastic ocean pollution is emitted. In addition, by utilizing probiotics that help clean waterways, and replace potentially harmful chemicals in conventional soaps that would reach the oceans, our soap bars contribute towards target 14.1 "Reduce marine pollution ..." and 6.3 "Improve water quality by reducing pollution."