Together with Paivi we help create income to independent farmers through our natural loofahs.
Products: Loofah body scrubs, Loofah sponges
Supporting independent farmers instead of plantations means income opportunities to many, keeping traditional organic ways of farming alive and a smaller impact on nature since the crops are spread.
Paivi helps us connect to these farmers by consolidating loofahs from many farmers. This way we are creating a “green revolution” and supporting rural livelihood.
The loofahs are made from leftover ridge gourds, a vegetable growing in central and western India. Instead of becoming waste, what is not sold on the vegetable market are dried under the sun and cleaned with organic liquids.

This gives the independent farmers an important income assurance when growing the ridge gourd vegetable, and it gives you an excellent natural scrub that we are sure you’ll get addicted to.
In addition to this, Paivi is an all women led company that helps create employment for artisans.
The farmers, Paivi, us and YOU - together, let’s say NO to plastics, and YES to independent farming!